
Showing posts from April, 2023


 Today we went to 2nd period first. We continued on working our career assignment. Today mr rease showed us to navigate through a college website. We took one of our jobs we picked on Monday and found out which major we would choose to take in college. For a college we had an option to choose one in Atlanta or in the state of Georgia.  


 Today we didn’t go to Mr rease class. We stayed in 1st period for half the day. I didn’t do much in my 1st so we pretty much chilled. My 3rd period we had a sub so u completed the assignment for the day. And I. My 4th we continued in preparing for the ap test.


 Today in class we talked about careers. We took an assessment and received different jobs based off of our responses. Next we choose 2 jobs, I choose financial and marketing manager. After we completed an assignment finding information from both jobs.


 Today and Mr rease we didn’t do anything. We will start back working next week. My overall review of the EOC was good. It wasn’t bad as I thought would be. With all the practice doing the argumentative essay and narrative was easy. 


 Today was part two of EOC. We had a few multiple choice questions and a narrative. Part 3 was all multiple choice questions. Overall the EOC wasn’t bad, I felt well prepared. 


 Today we was the first day of EOC. Tomorrow will be sections 2 and 3. Part 1 we answer a few multiple questions and wrote either an argumentative essay or informational essay, I wrote an argumentative essay. 


 Today was the last we had to practice before the EOC. Mr. Rease has given us different assignments for us to use to prepare for the EOC. I feel pretty prepared and ready to take the test. Today we read a passage on Susan b Anthony. We analyzed the passage and talked about. 


 Today in mr rease class we took notes on the EOC. The note’s pretty much broke down how the EOC would be and how much time we have for each section. The PowerPoint also showed us how much the EOC is worth of our grade. Mr rease showed us how we can calculate the percentage of our grade to see how much we need to make to pass the class. This ppt able to give us a heads up on how the test will go. 


 Today we finished writing our argumentative essays


 Today we worked on argumentative essays. The essays was based off two passages we read yesterday. I agreed the artifacts should be kept in museums. Before writhing the essay Mr. Rease gave us a paper to help brainstorm ideas. Another sheet should us an outline to write our essay.


 Today in class I left for about 20 minutes to attend the junior marshal meeting. I was told that I was too 10% in my junior classes and that we help prepare and attend the senior’s graduation. We also will be honor grads for next year. Returning back to class we read to passages and completed worksheets regarding them. 


 Today was a light day in mr. Rease class. We went over the milestone software wand some of the tools we have. We read a passage and answered 5 questions to see how it is like. I ended up getting 4 out 5 correct. Overall today was a good day.


 Today we came back from spring break. Ms.cook was watching us for today because Mr. Rease wasn’t here. We didn’t do nothing really, we discussed what we did over the break. Towards the end class she gave us a exit ticket asking what is one goal we want to accomplish in life.